Alaskan Bush People
Alaskan Bush People

The story of Brown’s family that lives in Alaska and moves around building temporary shelters and still operating on the barter system was telecast on the Discovery channel. The show had six seasons till now.


The show revolves around the challenges of a brown family whose house was burned down because they were residing on public land, and how they started moving around Alaska, creating temporary shelters, and making a living by ancient means.

The show became an instant hit among the people mainly because it showed how a family is living a tribal lifestyle even in this modern-day and age. There are a total of six seasons of the show with 61 episodes, showing the story of a man Billy, his wife Amy, and their seven children.

Out of the seven children of the couple, 2 are girls Birdy and Rain Brown, and the other 5 are boys, Matt, Bam, Bear, Gabe, and Noah Brown.


The show started airing in 2014 and continued till June 2017. The first season of the show had five episodes, followed by 9 in the second, 11 in third, 10 in fourth, 13 in fifth and 6th, and 7 in the 7th season.

After an investigation by Alaska’s Revenue Department in 2014, it was found that the Browns had lied about their residency and were living outside of Alaska. Billy and Joshua were guilty of lying on their PDF forms in 2015.

The Brown family on the show was shown struggling not just for themselves but for the whole community. They did not give up when their houses had been burned down; in fact, this further motivated them to take their fight to a new level. In the show, they were shown going to different places and running for their lives, including surviving in places where the temperatures ranged from 0 degrees to 60 degrees.

The episodes have shown the entire journey of the family in different kinds of situations, what all dangers they faced, how they came out of it, and what kept them going. The family is shown being so secluded that they end up developing an entirely different language and the script that they use for communicating among themselves.

They are later shown getting better in the show when they are able to establish their own ‘Browntown’ Community starting their own work and getting in barter for transportation. They provided their services to people who would be of help to them. And thus end up improving the condition of their life.

Awards & Achievement

The cast of the show did not win any awards or honors but was successful in its cause. They were not only able to bring the plight of their family to light but were also able to establish a community of their own, thus giving hope to others like them. They might not have won trophies, but they certainly won the hearts of many people.

Net Worth of Alaskan Bush People

Alaskan Bush People Net Worth
Alaskan Bush People Net Worth

Many people believe that the stated net worth of the family is not their actual net worth, and they are richer than they claim to be. As of March 2025, The Alaskan Bush People have a net worth of $100 million. Billy Brown, the eldest member of the family, is a writer and has written books like ‘The Lost Years,’ ‘One Wave at a Time,’ and more. A few of these were also used by their friends for marketing them. The family chose to call themselves ‘Alaskan Wilderness Family.’

The Alaskan Bush People are one of those very hard working family who worked hard in the time of adversity and was together even during their worse. This not only made them stronger but also an inspiration for a lot of families out there. The Brown family fought not just for themselves, but also for those who they believed were a part of their community.


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